Continuous, my first book

I’m over the moon to announce that my first poetry collection, Continuous, has been published! This small collection of haikus and line drawings takes readers on a journey in four sections: (un)true love, (d/t)rauma, heartbr(ache), and (re/dis)covery. I hope you can enjoy reading this collection and potentially see yourself in its pages. And when you... Continue Reading →

Chibi Illustrations and Pop Art

I recently created a profile on Fiverr to expand my reach for commissions. I thought it would be good to link to some art pieces here for everyone to see more examples of what I have to offer. Enjoy the gallery! 🥰

Thank You

Thank you to our veterans who have sacrificed their peace so that we may have it. Your service will always be appreciated.


what do we do when the world keeps spinning like our minds but our minds can’t keep a steady pace, only racing thoughts dragging you down, down, still spinning around in circles, encircle this thought, you know the one, the one you can’t, can’t seem to let go of, let go of the expectation that... Continue Reading →

life haiku

What's something you believe everyone should know. life is about love for yourself, your home, your soil, your soul’s deep longings

Tattoo Portfolio

Tattoos have been a major aspect of my life for a while, but only with me as a canvas. I absolutely love this form of artistic expression and how it allows people to adorn themselves with meaningful or aesthetic artwork. Of course, as an artist myself I’ve wondered if the field would be a good... Continue Reading →

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